I’m so excited to offer this 6 week group program.
Bending Reality by Harnessing Your Inner Wisdom and Connecting with Your Higher Self.
Is this for you?

| We each have so much influence in our lives, over our environments. The problem is we are mostly unaware and creating by default. Would you like to live from greater awareness? Shape your future intentionally? Create a life on purpose? During this 6 week group coaching/training program You will build your awareness and your ability to control your energy instead of your energy controlling you. |
If you’ve been through one of my SpoonBending workshops you already know how many
approaches there are to affect matter, bend the spoon and basically shift reality.
The same principals, tools and mind-shifts that allow you to bend a steel spoon will also work in your
life, on projects, in manifesting, changing habits, managing moods and so much more.
If you haven’t bent a spoon with me yet – no worries.
The exact content of each session will be determined by who is in the group and what is
called forth in the moment.
Basically, the style will be similar to my SpoonBending workshops, unscripted, in the
moment, allowing my higher guidance to come through and influence what I teach, how I
present it. This ensures it’s fresh and customized to you and your needs.
The program will include 6 -90 minute training/practice sessions as well as weekly open support sessions where we can talk about what is working and what is challenging and with a combination of healing, mentoring, coaching we’ll find how best to integrate these new energies and attitudes into everyday life.
I have been teaching these skills in groups and individual mentorship for years.
This is the first time I’m putting them together like this in a 6 week program.
As a first run of the course I am offering a discounted price in exchange for:
- your general feedback during the 6 weeks
- your focus and specific feedback on the transformation and shifts you are experiencing
your patience when something needs a bit more ironing out - your honest review and testimonial at the end of the program.
The one time beta price is $495(Reg price $695)
You can pay in full $495
or make 6 monthly payments of $90 each ($540 total)
The program will begin after April 15th day/time to be decided by who is signing up.
The group is limited to 15 participants.
If 18 or more people sign up I will run two separate groups.
As an incentive to sign up now rather than later (because that is helpful to me)
the first 3 people who register
will receive a 30 minute Healing/Clearing Session $75 value.
If you have questions – let’s have a 10 minute zoom chat and find out if this is a good fit for you.
email miche@spoonbenderscafe.com
text 541 650-190
fb message m.me/micheshines