If you are a healer, coach, heart-centered service provider or soulpreneur, starting or expanding a business in the field of spiritual or personal transformation,
Spoonbenders Academy is here to serve you.
In fact, I want to help you graduate.
Especially if you’re a new coach or healer creating a new business;
given all the different techniques and technologies (old and new) we work with you can easily wind up becoming a perpetual student in an effort to achieve the rank of well-prepared professional.
No matter how long or hard you work and how many modalities you train for, in an attempt to feel competent and worthy of your title. There will always be one more technique or gizmo or school of thought cropping up that you may feel certain you are missing.
Even several years into doing my work, seeing clients and teaching I was still unsure of myself. I felt like an imposter, like I didn’t know enough, wasn’t good enough to really help clients, and didn’t really deserve to get paid for it. I discounted (both financially and otherwise) the transformations and healing I was already facilitating.
I’ve spent years bowing to those fears. Spent hundreds of hours practicing and studying and invested thousands of dollars on programs.
The truth is, the kind of work we do, the kind of solutions we offer people, we’re kind of off the beaten path, outside the box, and well, kind of woo-woo and nobody gives out degrees for that sort of “career choice”
It’s about embodying the truth of who you are, and giving value to what you have lived, how you have survived and thrived in what, for most of us highly sensitive healer types, feels like a caustic environment.
What will make you great at what you do?
Not one more protocol, not learning someone else’s version of what to do.
It’s knowing how to be. How to be you and bring your full presence and authentic self to the moment.
Being great at what you do and bringing the best to your client is an inside job.
Collaborating with your client from the truth of you brings forth something great.
I know now that Being Enough ultimately comes from your own perspective.
How you look at something makes an enormous difference in everything.
How you talk to yourself, what you say about about yourself and your world Matters.
It changes matter.It changes your energy – what you feel and what you radiate to others. When you get that, it changes your life.
Where does Spoonbending come into this?
As weird as it sounds, when I started teaching people how to bend a spoon using the power of their mind I realized I had in my hands (literally) one of the fastest, surest methods to prove how much your inner state matters.
I had perfected a crazy simple exercise that lets you experience your own inner strength, your ability to make use of your current resources and to demonstrate that you are much more than meets the eye.
Okay but that doesn’t make me a professional.
Well, here’s the thing –
They don’t give out degrees for this stuff.
The only training program there is ultimately is the one you are living.
What if I told you that you already earned the degree?
Your expertise has been forged by the fires you have walked through,
by your urgent wish to make the journey easier for the next one walking a similar path and your burning desire to be of service and make a difference in the world.
You have earned your PhD in making do and getting through, in learning how to transform yourself and being brave enough to help others do the same.
Are you feeling it yet? A little?
If you will spend a couple of hours with me, I will prove it to you.
You will see and feel for yourself just how ready you are, you will know that you are enough, in fact you are so much more than you even realize.
You will never be more ready than you are in this moment.
I can show you simple ways to be steady and trust yourself.
It’s time to show up, be you and give the gift that you are.
If you are ready to make some serious change in a light and fun way I invite you to join me
I am holding a masterclass specifically to guide you to honor your worth and step confidently into your expertise.
There will be two sessions
with dates and times to be decided to allow
for best chance options attend live from
wherever in the world you are.
Replays available and You are welcome
to attend one or both sessions.
Group size is limited in order to give maximum support to each
of you. So Sign up Now
What about you? Does this sound familiar?
Have you trained enough, worked enough, served enough yet?
Are you enough?
Here’s the thing –
This is not about learning enough.
This is not about doing enough.
This is about Being Enough.
Spoonbending and Beyond
for Heart-Centered Soulpreneurs on a Mission
2 hour live transformational training